What Happens if You Don't Talk to Your Baby
How to Talk to Your Baby

Yous play "peek-a-boo" with your baby. You lot talk to them while you lot're changing their diaper. You sing to them as you lot rock them to slumber. And when they happily coo, blubbering, and gurgle, you make those sounds right along with them.
Information technology's fun, but it's also crucial to their development.
Their young brain is soaking up the sounds, tones, and language they'll use to say their first words. You play a big role. Children who have parents who talk to them often tend to form stronger linguistic communication and conversational skills than kids who don't.
The all-time way to speak to your little ane may be what comes most naturally: that sing-songy fashion many of u.s. speak to infants -- "How are youuu?!" "You lot want the baaaall?" It'south baby talk, and it can fuel your child'southward language evolution.
Why It's Proficient for Your Babe'southward Brain
Infants tend to pay more attending and respond more than eagerly to baby talk than to normal adult conversation. The playfully exaggerated and loftier-pitched tone your vocalization takes lights up your little one'southward mind.
Eighty percent of their encephalon's physical development happens during their first 3 years. As their brain gets bigger, information technology too forms the connections information technology needs to think, acquire, and process information. These connections, called synapses, form at a super-fast rate, about 700 per 2nd in the starting time few years.
Speaking to your babe fires up those important synapses in the part of their brain that handles language. The more words they hear, the stronger those mental connections get. That procedure can strengthen your kid's future language skills and their overall power to larn.
Infants who get more than baby talk know more than words by age 2 than their peers.
Baby Talk Basics
For your lilliputian one to get the most benefits:
- Talk with them often. Talkative parents tend to have talkative children.
- Get some alone time with your infant. Baby talk is most beneficial when it's ane-on-one between parent and kid, with no other adults or children around.
- When your baby tries to talk back to you, don't interrupt or await abroad. They need to know you care almost listening to them.
- Await your kid in the eyes. They'll answer better to speech communication when they are looking correct at you.
- Limit how much TV they see and hear. Also much can stunt language growth. Besides, you're more fun than the phonation on the screen, right?
- Throw in some grown-upward speak, likewise. Your baby needs to hear how words sound in everyday conversation.
Every bit your child develops and matures, and so should the style you lot talk to them.
At 1 to 3 months
Your infant is communicating with you lot by cooing, making gurgling sounds and, of grade, crying. They are as well listening to yous -- they may smile, move their arms and legs, or coo when you lot speak to them a certain way.
- Talk, sing, coo, babble, and play peek-a-boo with your child.
- Narrate your activities. During baths, meals, or play, tell them what you're doing and what they are looking at.
- Read to your baby and talk nearly the pictures y'all see.
- Celebrate, smile, and act excited when they make sounds and smiles.
- At around 2 months, babies start making vowel sounds ("ah-ah" or "oh-oh"). Mimic these sounds, and mix in some existent words, also.
- When they make a audio, you should make the sound every bit well, so wait for them to respond. This will teach them how to have a chat.
At 4 to seven months
They'll kickoff trying to copy sounds they hear. Y'all'll discover them exploring their own sounds and inflections. They may even raise or driblet their voice as they endeavour to express their feelings.
- Use the noises they make to encourage words. If they say "bah," say "canteen" or "volume."
- Expand your conversations. When talking, speak slowly and showtime stressing certain words. For case, concur a brawl and say, "Do you desire a brawl? This is your brawl." And so be silent to encourage them to reply.
- Introduce your baby to different objects. When they look at something, point it out and tell them what information technology is.
- Read to your child every day, peculiarly colorful motion picture books and magazines. Name the pictures you see and praise your baby when they blubbering along with you as y'all read.
At viii to 12 months
They'll start to understand certain words (like "no") and say some, likewise (like "mama" or "dada"). Past the time they are a yr old, they'll as well understand certain commands, like "Moving ridge bye-goodbye."
- Keep talking nearly what you and your baby are doing, looking at, or pointing to. If they betoken to a car and say "automobile," say "Aye, that'due south a red motorcar."
- Name just well-nigh every object your child comes in contact with -- a toy, spoon, milk, etc. Also start pointing out body parts -- point to their arm and say, "arm," and signal to yours and say, "Daddy'southward (or Mommy'southward) arm."
- Help your child express in words what they are feeling.
- Use positive statements to directly their behavior. Instead of saying "Don't stand," say "Fourth dimension to sit down."
- When you demand to stop your child from doing something, say a firm "no." Don't yell or requite long explanations.
- Sing songs that have actions, like "Itsy Bitsy Spider." Have fun acting out the song with your child.
- Babies at this historic period love to imitate words they hear, so you might want to spotter what yous say, or you may hear it repeated.
All children acquire to communicate at their own stride. Don't worry as well much if your baby isn't talking as quickly every bit you'd thought they would. If yous accept real concerns, though, talk with their doctor near it.
Source: https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/baby-talk-language